(Woodland, CA) – Yolo County is now providing two new weblinks, the first for healthcare workers in Phase 1A Tiers 2 and 3 to sign up for upcoming COVID-19 vaccine clinics and the second for the general public to provide information and receive vaccine notifications.
For Healthcare Workers in Tiers 2 and 3
Healthcare workers that are currently working in Phase 1A Tiers 2 and 3 can now sign up to be notified of upcoming COVID vaccine clinics. The link is intended for those who work in Yolo County but those who work in other counties and live in Yolo County can also sign up if they are unable to get the vaccine through their workplace or county where they work. The following healthcare fields can sign up for COVID vaccine clinics at: https://forms.gle/nfYq3QewtYivgpMN9:
Phase 1A – Tier 2:
Intermediate care facilities for those who need non-continuous nursing supervision and supportive care
Home health care and IHSS
Community health workers, including promotoras
Public health field staff
Primary care clinics, including federally qualified health centers, rural health centers, correctional facility clinics, and urgent care clinics
Phase 1A – Tier 3:
Specialty clinics
Laboratory workers
Dental and other oral health clinics
Pharmacy staff not working in settings at higher tiers
For the General Public
Yolo County residents can now provide information and get future notifications for their tier and phase in a new vaccine availability form available in English, Spanish, and Russian at: https://forms.gle/KPgQ9dtafWabmB3S7. The information that residents provide will help the County organize and schedule vaccine clinics accordingly.
Volunteering at Vaccine Clinics
The Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency is looking for volunteers to assist with upcoming and future vaccination clinics. Volunteers will assist with set up, take down, registration, screening, vaccination, traffic control, translation, medical observation and overall management of the vaccination clinics. Anyone sixteen years of age and older can volunteer and Community Service Certificates will be issued for all volunteers. Food and drinks will also be provided during volunteer shifts. Volunteers are recommended to complete the “Medical Points of Dispensing (MPOD)” course at http://yolopodclasses.org. Upon completion of the class, individuals will be given the option to submit a volunteer application to Yolo County. For questions about volunteering, contact the Yolo County volunteer coordinator at volunteer.coordinator@yolocounty.org.
For more information about Yolo County’s COVID-19 vaccine and distribution process, visit https://www.yolocounty.org/coronavirus-vaccine. Residents can call Yolo 2-1-1 for resource information. Follow Yolo County on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/YoloCounty or Twitter at: https://twitter.com/YoloCountyCA.