* Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of four articles discussing the need for an adult day program in Davis. The Davis Adult Day Program Task Force mission is to develop and launch day program services for those living with memory loss and other disabilities. Family caregivers rely on programs such as adult day care in order to continue working, or just to obtain needed respite from taxing caregiving responsibilities. Resources and more information on Alzheimer’s and dementia can be found at a 24/7 helpline, 1-800-272-3900, or http://www.alz.org.
By Cindi Royval Unger
You have known for some time that things were not quite right. The time had finally come to take Dad to the physician. You are mentally preparing for a diagnosis you have dreaded hearing out loud and have been denying for years.
“Mr. Jones, your father has Alzheimer’s disease,” says the physician. What now?
Until last year, many physicians would deliver this devastating and life-altering news and then move on to the next patient and their family — without spending the time necessary or being reimbursed for the long discussion and many questions that families have after receiving this diagnosis...